Sunday, December 28, 2014

PowerPoint Project Idea For Your Computer Class

I'm always trying to come up with ideas for my class projects because I think that the best way for my students to learn is to take everything they've been taught and create something positive.

So, for my Advanced Computer Class, I had my students create a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation on their dream vacation. They had to present their PowerPoint's and they had a blast!

Here's how I went about it:

First, we devoted an entire day to the basics of PowerPoint. We covered title slides, basic slides, themes, bullet points, and refreshed our memories on font and font size.

Then, I let them loose for 20 minutes. They played around with the different buttons and asked me lots of questions. Finally, we ended the last class going back over how to download a picture from the internet.

Then, I showed them an example and asked them to think long and hard about their own dream vacation.

The next week, I used the projector and had them follow along with me as we designed our own presentations.

We started with the title slide, text, and theme. Each student chose their own theme and their own destination.

After that, we moved onto the slide where they had to include where they were going and a picture that represented the place.

I chose a road trip across Canada for my example!

Then, each student had to choose six things to do on their dream vacation and create slides with pictures and descriptions.

For the last slide, the students were asked to end their presentation with a creative slide that wrapped everything up. My example was a recap of the miles traveled across Canada. 

My students had a great time with this engaging assignment and had a blast asking each other questions about their presentations. I am looking forward to doing it with my next class.

Note: all images were used for educational purposes only.

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